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List of Orange County Public Schools

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The Orange County Public Schools district (OCPS) provides a range of choices through its magnet program. In addition to their neighborhood school, students can choose to attend a school that concentrates on science, language immersion, math or the arts. Charter school options are also available. Students with special needs may be eligible to receive a McKay Scholarship to attend a private school. Under the federal No Child Left Behind law, students attending a Title I school designated as “in need of improvement” have the right to attend a higher-performing school in the district.

The superintendent of Orange County Public Schools is Dr. Barbara Jenkins. The position of superintendent is appointed by the school board. The district is overseen by the Orange County School Board, a body of seven elected officers, each board member sitting for a particular geographic district. School Board districts are not analogous in any way with County Commission districts. As of 2016, the current School Board members, in order of district number, are Joie Cadle, Daryl Flynn, Linda Kobert, Pam Gould, Kathleen “Kat” Gordon, Nancy Robbinson and Christine Moore.[3]

Board members are elected every four years with no term limits, with Districts 1 through 3 elected during midterm election cycles (next in 2018) and Districts 4 through 7 elected during presidential cycles (next in 2020). School Board elections in Orange County are non-partisan.[3]

A county wide public vote in 2009 created the elected position of School Board Chairman. Bill Sublette was subsequently elected to this position in 2010 and was re-elected in 2014.